[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Planners Koncept is an ISO 9001:2008 certified Consultancy Firm and its ideals stand(s) for Quality, Reliability and Trustworthiness. A multidisciplinary organization, provides all types of solutions in the field of Town Planning, Architecture, interiors, real estate valuations, Infrastructure, Engineering solutions by highly qualified professionals under one roof.
Consultancy Services Provided by Planners Koncepts are:
We are having offices in Noida in the National Capital Region of Delhi and Kanpur Uttar Pradesh with the back bone of a highly qualified and professional teams and dedicated management to perform state of the art.
We have set up Well equipped office in Noida, NCR and Out sourcing Call Centre in Greater Noida to promote online support to the valuable clients.
We have an experience of 23 years as a town Planning and Architectural firm, We have worked for various organisations for urban improvement, beautifications of road sides, landscaping of parks/open areas, buildings and to improve urban infrastructure.
We also have vast experience in doing feasibility studies for roads, highways, ports, for development of area development schemes, SEZs, specialized malls, Integrated Townships, Multi-storied apartments, Industries, Hospitals, Institutions, Office buildings and many other Commercial and IT parks Projects.
Our team of dedicated staff includes architects, Civil Engineers, mechanical and electrical engineers, quantity surveyors, construction managers, landscape architects, interior designers, air – conditioning engineers, fire fighting professionals, quantity surveyors and estimators, plumbing and sanitary engineers, construction supervisors and project management professionals.
We are empanelled to various ministries, public semi public organizations, development Authorities and corporations in various categories all over India.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]